- Please pay at Time of Service. Payment is expected unless we are billing insurance or other arrangements have been made. Contact Janene if a payment schedule is needed.
- Maintain a Zero Balance and you will receive an automatic discount.
- Here are the ways you can pay in order of preference:
- Square Invoice (PREFERRED) – Usually the amount owed will be sent by email before your appointment time. Click on the link to pay online. A Square account is not required. You may pay via Square as a guest with a credit card. We are not using PayPal anymore due to Privacy issues.
- Checks can be taken in the office or mailed to 2960 Adams St., Eugene OR 97405. Pay the invoiced amount.
- Credit cards in the office. Pay the invoiced amount.
- Cash can be given in the office. Exact amount is preferred as we don’t keep much change on hand.
- Phone credit card payment – Call Janine at 541-687-9528.